Amplifying Growth through Alignment

In an era where digital transformation and AI redefine the competitive landscape, the ability to adapt and grow has never been more crucial. At SC Growth Advisor, under the leadership of Susana Cabrera, we bring more than three decades of expertise in guiding organizations through complex transformations. Our approach goes beyond mere preparation for change; it's about harnessing the power of strategic alignment to integrate people, processes, and technology toward a unified future vision.

Introducing the Value Amplification Model (VAM Synergy™)

At the heart of our methodology lies the Value Amplification Model (VAM Synergy™) framework, a unique model designed by Susana Cabrera to ensure that readiness becomes the bedrock of your organization. By focusing on Align, Engage, and Monetize, we not only build resilience and adaptability into the fabric of your team but also ensure that every change initiative propels you towards tangible growth. 

  • Align: We synchronize your strategic objectives with the collective efforts of your team, ensuring everyone moves together towards a common goal.

  • Engage: By cultivating a culture of innovation and collaboration, we unlock the full potential of your people, making them active participants in your organization's evolution.

  • Monetize: Our strategies aim to achieve and amplify growth, turning visionary ideas into measurable outcomes that elevate your bottom line.

Why SC Growth Advisor? 

With Susana Cabrera at the helm, SC Growth Advisor embodies the pinnacle of change management expertise. Our personalized approach, coupled with the Value Amplification Model (VAM Synergy™) framework, provides your organization with a comprehensive blueprint for navigating the complexities of today's business environment. We don't just prepare you for change; we empower you to seize it, leveraging decades of strategic insight to foster a culture that thrives on adaptability and growth.

Embrace the future with confidence. Let SC Growth Advisor transform your approach to change, turning readiness into your most significant strategic advantage. Together, we will unlock exponential growth, ensuring your organization is equipped to face the future and poised to redefine it.

Let’s Connect

  • Three decades in the business world has taught me this: Real growth is forged from connection, collaboration, and unwavering commitment.


  • "The best way to predict the future is to create it."

    Peter Drucker

  • "Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence."

    Sheryl Sandberg